For many, the prospect of updating or having their first professional headshot can be overwhelming. Let’s face it, unless you’re an actor or model, it’s not part of your everyday routine to be in front of the camera. With a little preparation on your part and an experienced photographer, it doesn’t have to be a loathsome experience.

Here’s a few tips for a successful headshot:

Find a photographer

The first step to making this a smooth process is to choose an experienced photographer with examples that you like. If the clients in their portfolio look natural and relaxed, chances are that they can make you comfortable and achieve good results too.


What to wear?

Plan what you are going to wear a few days before your shoot so you are well prepared. It’s best to wear something that fits properly and you feel good in; your confidence and comfort will show in the photos. Baggy clothes might be on trend but they are not generally flattering on camera.

If you’re doing studio headshots, bring a selection of clothes and accessories so you can have some options that work with the various backgrounds. Depending on your industry and audience, you might like to include something formal and casual and a variety of colours so you can see what looks good on camera. If you’re planning a location headshot, you can bring a selection of jumpers, jackets, scarves and accessories to add variety to a base layer.

It’s best to avoid logos, branded clothing, thin stripes and distracting patterns that take the attention away from your face.

As for colours, choose ones that suit you whilst avoiding solid white or black if possible. While you might think that black is flattering, it actually looks flat and looses all detail and contour on camera. Solid white is reflective and can washout fair skin tones and will pick up colour casts from nearby colours.

If you’re planning to use these images for some time, you’ll want clothes that are timeless and not specific to a given season.

Hair & makeup

If it’s time for a trim or a colour retouch, try to schedule this for the week before your headshot so your hair looks tidy but not necessarily freshly cut. If you have long hair, you can play around with having your hair up and down.

Makeup is a matter of personal preference. You want to look and feel like you so apply it as you would if you’re going out or to an important meeting.

If you’re not comfortable with styling your hair, you might consider booking in for a stylish before your headshot appointment or speak to your photographer about arranging for hair and makeup.

Remember your nails

Your hands may appear in some of your photos. Please ensure your nails are tidy and with a neutral or clear nail varnish so they do not distract from your face.


If you wear glasses all the time, by all means, wear them in the photos. Please clean your glasses before the shoot so they are free from smudges and finger prints.

A little planning goes a long way

Give yourself plenty of time to get ready on the day so you’re not rushing about. Iron and set out your clothes and accessories the night before, check your route and think about parking or traffic and try to get plenty of rest the night before.

Plan with your photographer

If there are specific photos and poses that you like, you could send the images to your photographer so they can plan the shootlist. It’s important to let your photographer know in advance how you’re going to use the photos and any specific dimensions so they can frame the shots accordingly on the day and ensure your edited photos are provided ready to use.

Relax and be yourself

Most importantly, relax, be yourself and enjoy a bit of chit chat with your photographer.

If you’d like to learn about headshot or personal branding sessions with me, please head over to my personal branding and headshot page.


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